Geography Tester

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The computer asks you where a place is, and you click the map where you think it is; on doing so, you will be shown a red marker where it actually is and told your error in kms, and a new question will be asked!

You can increase or decrease the number of questions by going to the option 'Range' below the map, entering a larger range, and clicking 'Add'. Or simply click the Nxt button to work through the questions. You might want to Shuffle the questions first.

Hover over other options below the map to discover what they do! Also see Help for details

Start Now!



Set All () Std () Miss () Mem () Rng () Map () Set Add DropClr Dump DumpDat Asker Shuffle ( Auto) Range - Nxt Item Ask Add Drop Reloc ( Auto) Misses Good OK Poor ( →Miss Ask →Mem) MapClick Add Click as # ^ Blobs Col Rnd Map Scale Opacity Region Turkey UK Stats Clr ShowSets Info Clr



All Std Miss Mem Rng Map - These are Sets of places, with their current number of entries in brackets (Rng only has its number updated when used).

Click on one of them to make it active (Red).

The items following, are actions to perform on the current set, using the last set as a modified (eg to add the last chosen set to the currently chosen one:


This sets what the Rng set refers to


An item is a place name, appearing on the map, in a question or answer, or in a dump of a set. You can click on such items to perform the following actions.


These options apply to the 'Miss' set


These options apply to when you click on the map


Blobs are the colour squares on the map to show where places are


This chooses how the map looks and its size



Shows overall Stats
